Result Day!

Thats the day when you wake up in the morning and dread waking up. You wish this day would either fly past you or something would happen that would change the entire course of humanity so your parents wouldnt get to your school! πŸ˜›But Alas! Nothing like that ever happens. You have to drag yourself out of bed, keep yourself from vomiting all over the place and get ready to get BUSTED! You brush your teeth thinking about what your teacher will say to your mom. You put on your clothes thinking about what your dad will say back to the teacher. You put on your shoes thinking if they’ll cut you some slack. And then you get into the car…You feel queasy and about to puke. To make matters worse you have to wait for your parents to get your younger sibling’s result card first, which is almost always better than yours. image007.jpg

They finally arrive outside your school. You open the car door too quickly and your parents notice you’re nervous. Your dad puts his arm around you and you bet he wont do the same when you exit the school! Hehe! The school guard smiles as if its Eid or Christmas. You curse everyone who comes in your way and hurry upstairs to your classroom, feeling your parents are walking slower than usual, trying to torment you further.

You finally come out of the classroom after a gruelling TECHAER-PARENT session and gasp for fresh air! AAA! too many advices all at once! 😦 You vow to work harder next time. You think about all your parents have done for you and how youve repaid them. Then you look at your report card again and realize it wasnt really that bad. I just have to work harder in math and urdu! [AGAIN]. So your parents take you back home. Your dad wont speak to you anymore and your mom wont stop speaking. :S They both intimidate you like crazy and you take refuge upstairs in your bedroom. You cry or laugh depending on your “sissyness” and wish the examination system was a bit fairer.

In the end, same old, same old! huh! (But ill try harder next time I swear!) πŸ˜›

~ by Mary on March 12, 2007.

6 Responses to “Result Day!”

  1. yeah right maryam!!..thats what u always say :P..hahahah but yeah GUDLUCK next time jani!! πŸ˜›

  2. But i will!

  3. this HAD to happen!! or else how would u know ke ” main perhay baghair fail hoti hoon ya nahin ” !!:P lol

  4. hahha!
    really true!!
    especially da last lyn!!

  5. lol! seemab! get outta the orkut fever :P! πŸ˜€

  6. nice 1…..

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